Melayu Islam Beraja - M.I.B - Why our Religion place second in our Nation's Concept?
Some of you would say, "what's the big deal in terms of the arrangement of words in our nation's prinsip/concept?" Bet even our most scholars or most "cultured" person here (in Brunei) would even say "Gee...that sure didn't cross our mind!" Well Of course you didn't! No one did 'cause, nobody would care about how the word of our nation's concept should be arrange. But I did...somehow (thanks to my "occupation of thinking" heh).
I am bold enough to say...that the arrangement of our MIB speaks the truth-that a nation living in Islam do place Islam as second and our "melayu" as a priority. Melayu as in the tradition and culture we care in our life and how even as an Islamic nation, our very own tradition and culture seem to over-rule our religion. A simple example would be our very own melayu wedding ceremony and the melayu female after giving labour. I won't go into detail what our cultured live is during a weeding and after labour...the only thing that we all know is that for the sake of our tradition...we ignore our religion. Our elders talk about "mengikut sunah Nabi"... Heck when it comes to tradition...that phrase is so under-rated! Better no need to say "mengikut sunnah Nabi" lah deh, if you just want to show off you religious prespective, better just shut it!
If we were to Put the Islam first in the word...that'll be "Islam Melayu Beraja - IMB" this I feel more acceptable and proper where we, who claim to live in Islam should prioritize what is our saviour for the days to come. But enough being said...I know from the prediction of Al-Quran that one day something will come to an extinction. And our tradition is slowly fading out off existence, I'm not happy about...I love my tradition I just don't like it when I am "being told by elders" to follow something that is against my live in Islam...simple as that.
But than who cares you elders won't be around forever. I am the future people of our nation it's that plain simple. What I have thought of today will be carried on to my children... *Stand Tall* for what is more infinite for us.
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